Ps Store Weve Encountered an Error While Processing Your Order. Please Try Again Later.

Having a difficult time figuring out why you cannot purchase from the PS Store?

The Playstation Network has been around since the Playstation 3, and it continues to provide an fantabulous online platform for Playstation users. It gives you access to online gaming, offers digital copies of games, and other helpful features.

1 of the all-time features of the Playstation Network is the PS Store. Basically, it is an app store that allows users to purchase games and applications for their consoles.

This is a user-friendly characteristic, peculiarly for those who prefer digital games rather than having a physical disc.

Due to our electric current situation with COVID-nineteen, the PS Store is an excellent option for purchasing new games without leaving your home.

Sadly, there are times when the service doesn't work, which could be frustrating.

If you lot are hither, it is condom to assume that yous are experiencing problems when purchasing games on the PS Shop. Fortunately, this is a common problem on the PS Store, and a few workarounds can exist constructive for solving this outcome.

To assistance you out, nosotros've listed downward the near constructive methods you lot can practise if y'all cannot buy from the PS Store.

i. Check Playstation Network Servers.

When you encounter problems while purchasing games on the PS Shop, information technology may bespeak a problem with PSN's servers. You tin confirm this by visiting Playstation's dedicated page, where you can view the electric current status of its services.

PSN Status

If at that place's a problem with PSN's servers, the best thing you can do is wait it out since y'all cannot address server-related issues on your cease.

On the other hand, you proceed to the solutions below to troubleshoot the problem on your Playstation or PSN account.

ii. Check Your Payment Method.

Your current payment method could be experiencing technical issues at the moment, which explains why you cannot purchase apps or games from the PS Shop.

To ostend this, we suggest you contact your bank correct abroad and ask if there'southward a problem with their organisation.

On the other hand, information technology is likewise possible that y'all've entered the wrong credentials for your payment method. Before proceeding with the transaction, confirm if your card number, expiry date, and CVV are correct.

3. Re-Add Your Payment Method.

If you've entered the wrong details for your payment method, yous can remove it from your account and add the correct ane afterwards. Meanwhile, a bug or fault may have occurred on your PSN account while adding a payment method, which causes your payment not to push through.

Check out the steps beneath to re-add a payment method to your PSN account:

  1. Beginning, open any web browser and access PSN's Sign In folio.
  2. Next, log in to Playstation Network and open your Account Settings.
  3. After that, go to the Payment Method tab and remove your existing card.
  4. Lastly, click the Add Payment Method push button and re-add your credit or debit card.
Add Payment Method

Once done, get back to the Playstation Shop and try purchasing a game or application.

4. Use Some other Payment Method.

Yous tin also try using another payment method if your current one is still not working. The Playstation Store could exist having a hard fourth dimension communicating with your bank, or something'southward wrong with its system.

Simply add together a new payment method on your PSN account using a different debit or credit card and encounter if you can at present purchase games on the PS Store.

On the other manus, you can endeavor purchasing games from the PS Store after a few hours if y'all don't have other credit cards.

five. Restart Your Playstation.

You can also try restarting your Playstation if you still can't purchase a game from the PS Store. Some of your console'southward organization files may non take been initialized correctly, or a temporary error occurred during use.

Check out the steps below to restart your PS4:

  1. Showtime, access the Quick Menu of your Playstation by holding down the PS button on your controller.
  2. After that, navigate to the Power tab.
  3. Lastly, click the Restart PS4 option on the Quick Card to reboot your console.
cannot purchase from PS Store

For PS5 users, hither's how you can restart your device:

  1. On your PS5, open the Quick Menu by pressing the PS push on your DualSense controller.
  2. Next, highlight the Restart PS5 option.
  3. Finally, printing the O or X button on your controller to proceed.
Restart PS5

Afterward restarting your console, get dorsum to the Playstation Store and bank check if you tin can now purchase games.

vi. Re-Login Your PSN Account.

Due to bugs and glitches on your Playstation, your user information could get corrupted and cause diverse bug on your console. If you lot cannot buy games from the PS Store, effort resetting your account data to fix the problem.

For the PS4, you tin can reset your data past doing the following:

  1. Access the Settings page of your Playstation iv using the controller.
  2. Now, go to the Account Management tab.
cannot purchase from PS Store
  1. Finally, click the Sign Out button to stop your current session.
Sign Out PS4

If y'all are using a PS5, here's how you can reset your information :

  1. Starting time, become to the Settings page of your panel and click on User Accounts.
  2. After that, access the Other tab.
  3. Lastly, select the Sign Out option to close your session.
cannot purchase from PS Store

After signing out of your PSN account, wait for at to the lowest degree five minutes before logging dorsum in. In one case done, try purchasing another game on the PS Store to check if the problem is solved.

7. Update Your Playstation.

The current version of your Playstation's software may have an result related to the PS Store, explaining why y'all cannot purchase games. We suggest updating your panel to the latest version to patch bugs and glitches.

For PS4 users, see the steps beneath to update its software:

  1. On your PS4, go to the Settings and open the System Software Update tab.
  2. After that, select Update Now.
  3. Finally, click the Take button to ostend your activeness.
cannot purchase from PS Store

If you lot are using a PS5, you tin update its organisation by doing the following:

  1. Showtime, open the Settings page of your PS5.
  2. Next, navigate to Systems > System Software > System Software Update and Settings.
  3. Lastly, click on Update Organization Software and cull Update Using Internet.
cannot purchase from PS Store

Once the update is done, get back to the Playstation Store to check if the problem is solved.

8. Report the Problem to Playstation.

If none of the steps above worked out for you, we recommend asking for assistance from the experts.

Visit Playstation'southward official website and contact their customer support to report the problem you've been experiencing on the PS Store. When reporting an issue, be certain to provide your PSN account details, the version of your console, and the game you are trying to download to speed up the process.

cannot purchase from PS Store

If you can't download games on your Playstation, you can visit our dedicated guide to help you out.

That brings us to the finish of our guide on what to do if you cannot buy games or apps from the PS Shop. For your questions and other concerns, feel gratis to voice them out in the comment department, and nosotros'll be glad to answer them.

If this guide helped yous, delight share it. 🙂


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