what to do while waiting for someone in surgery

United States

August vii, 2008 12:33am CST

Today I spent at the hospital waiting room while my son had gall bladder surgery, they said about an hour and a half, but that just for the surgery, I had other people there with me to wait, but I have had many times when I had to wait by myself, and it is boring, the tv is on only so low you can't hear what it is saying, I usually take a book, or walk around go to the gift shop or go to the cafateria and get a drink or something to eat. What do you exercise while waiting on a relative or a friend to have surgery?

sixteen responses

• India

8 Aug 08

i would be praying..considering i can't concentrate on any other things..i pray for the success of the performance...perhaps if someone is likewise with me,my tension would reduce and carry on with what we decide..only if am lonely,i can't help ma anti-thoughts..they would disturb me a lot...

• Malaysia

7 Aug 08

If I have to wait, I usually do something or continue my piece of work which was vary important and was left off. It non that I'm selfish but I cannot practise so many undone work. If I accept naught to practice, I normally wait for friend to talk with. If in that location is nobody, I'll become to the cafeteria and have something to eat.

• Philippines

7 Aug 08

you will really become bored waiting for someone over an hour or two for surgery and i suggest to bring book, magazine or psp, so that you lot won't become bored.,yous can't really go somewhere cause the md might be needing something or a decision to make in case something happen to the patient.,and then improve stay in the corner and grab something to swallow or read.,

• Philippines

7 Aug 08

2 years ago my wife gave nativity to our wonderful son, his pictures appears every bit my avatar. she went under C-department so i waited outside before they telephone call me to see my son and to buy what my son needs. like milk and nappies. while i was waiting i try to go on calm and to make sure that i will non worry about anything. i am playing with my ds simply however could not concentrate so much. when it was over and my wife is already at the recovery room and i saw my boy i was more abe to concentrate with my game than during my wife is inside the operating room.

• Canada

ix Nov 08

I may take already responded to this discussion every bit information technology seems very familar, just if and so, oh well. I wanted to say that I usually take a word find book with me and I work information technology. I find that the time goes a lot faster if I am doing something I like to do. When I get to the airport and am flying somewhere I as well then take a word find volume with me. Again it helps to pass the fourth dimension apace. I don't take a crossword book because information technology takes more concentration to do those, and some times I only don't desire to think, and so then I take a word detect book instead, because I don't have to recollect too hard for those. Alrighty so, talk to you subsequently, Your friend, Chris

• Canada

ix November 08

Looks like my outset response here. I guess it must have looked familar because someone else started a discussion on these same lines.

• United States

10 Nov 08

i take noticed that while being in the surgery waiting room some take been bringing their DVD players and movies to picket, I similar that idea and volition accept mine if I accept to go at that place once more. I usually have my phone that has games on information technology or a really good book to read. Merely reading makes me sleepy.

• Canada

13 Aug 08

well I never waited in a hospital for someone having an operation before, I have gone after the person was in his or her room but never waiting on the performance.

• United states

8 Aug 08

Usually someone else is with me, so we talk. If I'm tired of talking, I e'er make sure I take a book or magazine with me. Still yet, I may wonder downwardly to the cafeteria for a drink, or even go exterior and walk around. And for some reason I can't resist going into the gift store.

viii Aug 08

Bring a proficient book to read. Truthful regarding the TV so low yous can't hear information technology anyway.

• Croatia (Hrvatska)

vii Aug 08

i just cannot stay in one place when im on hospital, no matter what is the reason for being there ... i often but go out and watch people walking (at that place are a lot then who are not sick so its good to run across that)

• Philippines

7 Aug 08

Well If I'm in your situation,I volition pray and retrieve positively virtually the functioning while waitin...I know it's kinda never because I experienced that also when my cousin got his surgery in his appendix and information technology's actually a silent moment for all of usa while waitin outside in the operating room...:-0 Hope everything will be ok out there...I will pray for him...:-) GOd bless and stay relax...:-0

• Australia

7 Aug 08

Hospitals are soo boring. Nil much to do so i commonly just leave as soon every bit possible and go do something else

• The states

7 Aug 08

When my uncle was having his colectomy in March it was a very long wait. I think it was about five hours in total. I had my laptop with a non-then-great indicate. We read magazines and wondered effectually the gift shop and deli downstairs. My cousin and I caught upwardly on our family gossip and just chit chatted with everyone that was there waiting with united states of america. Plus we all the same had to look to go up and see him after the surgery. We checked on the progress of the surgery every hour at the nurses station too.

• U.s.

7 Aug 08

While my married man was having his surgery, I tinkered on my laptop and did some myLotting. I also read my book a fiddling fleck only, I was as well distracted and so to go much out of the book then, my laptop was a better option for distraction. His surgery wasn't too long. Simply about an hr and so I had to wait with him while he came out of the anesthesia for some other 45 minutes or so. That was nigh 4 or then months agone. There was a TV in the waiting room with the Today prove or something similar that but, it wasn't the easiest thing to hear either.

• Philippines

7 Aug 08

I go to the prayer room and pray. Waiting for the surgery to be over is so hard and it drives me crazy with all the questions popping up in my head. The what if's......and then i go to the chapel or prayer room of the hospital and pray there.In at that place i can take peace just by sitting there, feeling the presence of God and i know my prayers gives force to my loved one is in surgery.

• United states

vii Aug 08

My Mom had vi hour surgery. I bought an arts and arts and crafts snowflake kit that I couldn't do. 1 of my brothers did information technology. I brought an incommunicable puzzle kit for my artist blood brother, he had all 6 puzzles done in 6 mins. Rubix Cubes, some people had. A novel is more than my speed. Sometimes they have a National Geographic Mag at the hospital.

• Philippines

vii Aug 08

Pray that nothing goes incorrect. I besides talk with some people who are around or read. I don't like to fidget.


Source: https://www.mylot.com/post/1640841/what-do-yo-do-while-waitng-at-the-hospital-while-someone-is-having

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